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The word wel is in the Wiktionary

53 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
  • we'l cont. Obsolete form of we’ll.
— International convention —
  • wel sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2/B language code for Welsh.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Middle dutch - Old english
  • Middle english
    • wel adv. Well, amazingly, expertly; in a good or excellent way…
    • wel adv. With care, attention, or fastidiousness…
    • wel adv. In a way that is appealing or pleasing to someone or some standard…
    • wel adv. To or with a great extent or depth: extensively, comprehensively…
    • wel adv. Luckily, fortuitously; with good luck or fortune.
    • wel adv. In a rigid or secure way; stably or fixedly.
    • wel adv. For a suitable or fitting reason or cause; appropriately.
    • wel adv. As much as; to the specified extent, not smaller than.
    • wel adv. Around, about (a given quantity or measure).
    • wel adv. (Semi-interjectional) Probably, maybe, potentially.
    • wel adv. (Rare) Truthfully, honestly; in a heartfelt way.
    • wel adj. Lucky; experiencing good luck or fortune.
    • wel adj. Good, worthy, commendable; of good quality or moral status.
    • wel adj. Wealthy, prosperous, accomplished; experiencing success.
    • wel adj. Pleased, happy, glad; experiencing happiness.
    • wel adj. Healthy; experiencing good health and/or in good condition.
    • wel adj. Fine, acceptable, suitable, useable; having no problems.
    • wel adj. (Rare) Having good grooming or personal hygiene.
    • wel interj. Used to preface or begin a statement or situation.
    • wel interj. Used to acknowledge or reply to a a statement or situation.
    • wel interj. Used to indicate victory, realisation, or overcoming.
  • Muong
    • wềl v. (Mường Bi) to come back or go back.
  • North frisian
    • wel v. (Föhr-Amrum Dialect) to want.
    • wel v. (Föhr-Amrum Dialect) shall, will (future tense auxiliary verb).
  • Old english
    • wel- pref. Well, good, well-; abundantly; very, exceedingly; every (added to nouns, verbs, adjectives and pronouns).
  • Southwestern dinka
    • wël n. Civet cat, skunk.
  • Squamish
    • wel n. Cattail, bullrush.
  • Tok pisin
    • wel n. Oil.
    • wel adj. Slippery.
    • wel adj. Tricky; cunning.
    • wel adj. Inedible.
    • wel adj. Feral.
  • Welsh
    • wel interj. Well.
  • Westrobothnian
    • wel v. To cry, to wail.
  • Yola
    • wel adv. Alternative form of waal (“well”).
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • we'l contr. Contracción de pronombre we y verbo shall.
  • we'l contr. Contracción de pronombre we y verbo will.
— In Dutch —
  • wel bijw. Een ontkenning weerleggend, vaak geschreven met accentteken.
  • wel bijw. Een toegeving makend; weliswaar.
  • wel bijw. Een grote hoeveelheid van iets benadrukkend, waarbij tegelijk…
  • wel bijw. Bevestiging zoekend voor iets onzekers.
  • wel bijw. Bevestiging zoekend voor iets dat min of meer vaststaat…
  • wel bijw. Bijwoordelijk deel van een scheidbaar werkwoord, (verouderd)…
  • wel tuss. Uitdrukking van verbazing.
  • wel tuss. Gebruikt om iets in te leiden of nader te verduidelijken; welnu.
  • wel n. (Waterbeheer) een plaats waar water uit de grond tevoorschijn komt.
  • wel bijv. Gezond, in orde.
  • wel w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van wellen.
  • wel w. Gebiedende wijs van wellen.
  • wel w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van wellen.
152 English words from 38 English definitions

about abundantly acceptable accomplished acknowledge added adjectives Alternative amazingly and and/or appealing appropriately Around As␣much As␣much␣as attention auxiliary auxiliary␣verb back begin B␣language bullrush care cat Cattail cause Civet Civet␣cat code come come␣back commendable comprehensively condition cry cunning depth Dialect every exceedingly excellent experiencing expertly extensively extent fastidiousness Feral Fine fitting fixedly for form fortuitously fortune future future␣tense given glad go␣back good good␣luck great grooming happiness happy having health Healthy heartfelt honestly hygiene In␣a␣way indicate Inedible interjectional International ISO language language␣code luck Luckily Lucky maybe measure moral much much␣as not nouns Obsolete Oil overcoming personal personal␣hygiene Pleased pleasing potentially preface Probably problems pronouns prosperous quality quantity Rare realisation reason reply rigid secure Semi shall situation skunk Slippery smaller some someone specified stably standard standards statement status success suitable tense than that that␣is the to␣come to␣the Tricky Truthfully useable Used Used␣to verb verbs very victory wail want way Wealthy well Welsh will with worthy

12 English words from 15 foreign definitions

dat deel een grote meer met min orde shall van water will

3 foreign words from 38 English definitions

Amrum Föhr waal

55 foreign words from 15 foreign definitions

accentteken benadrukkend Bevestiging Bij Bijwoordelijk Contracción Eerste Eerste␣persoon enkelvoud Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs Gebruikt geschreven Gezond grond hoeveelheid iets in␣orde inversie komt leiden makend nader ontkenning persoon plaats pronombre scheidbaar tegelijk tegenwoordige␣tijd tevoorschijn tijd toegeving tweede tweede␣persoon uit Uitdrukking vaak vaststaat verbazing verbo verduidelijken verouderd voor waar waarbij Waterbeheer water␣uit weerleggend weliswaar wellen welnu werkwoord wijs zoekend

647 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

weld Weld welk Welk well we'll welp Welp wels Wels welt Welz welan Welby welch Welch welcs welds Weldy Welke welks Welks wells Wells welly Welly Welps welsh Welsh Welte welts Welty Welbys welcum welded Welden welder Welder Weldon weldor Weldys Welfic welfie Welham welked Welker Welkes welkin wellah welled +597 words

1580 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

dwelf dwell dwelt Ewell Gwelo kwela swell swelp swelt twell ah␣well Amwell aswell Aswell as␣well Atwell aw␣well bewell bowels Bywell Cowell Dewell Dowell do␣well dowels dwelfs dwells Dwelly ekwele Elwell Ewells Fewell Gawels Gowell gwelly Hewell Howell howels Irwell Jewell jewels Jewels Jowell Lowell Mowell newell Newell newels nowell Nowell +1530 words

105 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

owel Arwel aswel bowel dowel fewel Gawel howel Howel jewel Jewel newel nowel Powel rowel sewel tewel Tewel towel vowel crewel knawel melwel milwel shewel thowel trowel bejewel embowel emvowel envowel imbowel unbowel unjewel cum␣towel cup␣towel disbowel lax␣vowel Listowel nonbowel nonvowel rondawel teatowel tea-towel tea␣towel back␣vowel bath␣towel dark␣vowel dishtowel dish␣towel +55 words

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

lew Lew

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

lew Lew

47 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

alew blew Blew clew e-law ESWL fewl flew glew kewl lawe lewd Lewi lewk lews Lewy Liew Loew lowe Lowe lwei mewl owel plew Plew qewl slew wale weal weel Weil weld Weld welk Welk well we'll welp Welp wels Wels welt Welz wile Wile WLED wole

18 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

el El EL -el ew EW E&W E+W le Le LE -le LW L&W we WE w/e WL

79 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ael bel Bel cel CEL -cel del Del del. Del. eel gel Hel he'l jel Kel lel LEL mel Mel MEL -mel- OEL pel rel REL -rel rel. SEL tel TEL Tel. vel Wal WAL Wal. Wea WEA web Web WEC wed Wed we'd Wed. wee WEF WEG weh Wei wem Wem wen Wen wep WEP wer WER Wes w/es we's wet WET wex wey Wey Wez WFL WHL wil Wil. Wkl. WLL WML WNL WoL WSL yel zel

8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

el El EL -el we WE w/e WL

5 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

weal weel Weil well we'll

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