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The word zh is a foreign word

22 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— International convention —
  • zh sym. (International standards) ISO 639-1 language code for Chinese.
  • zH sym. (Metrology) Symbol for zeptohenry, an SI unit of electrical inductance equal to 10-21 henrys.
  • ZH sym. (Metrology) Symbol for zettahenry, an SI unit of electrical inductance equal to 1021 henrys.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Albanian
    • zh let. The thirty-sixth letter of the Albanian alphabet, written in the Latin script.
    • Zh let. The thirty-sixth letter of the Albanian alphabet, written in the Latin script.
    • zh- pref. De-, dis-, un-.
  • Cherokee
    • ᏃᏥ n. Pine (tree of the genus Pinus).
  • Egyptian
    • zH rom. Manuel de Codage transliteration of zḥ.
    • zḥ n. Canopied structure made of reed matting or linen; tent, booth.
    • zḥ n. Official hall or chamber, e.g. of a council, administrative office, king, or god.
    • zḥ n. Booth or chamber used as an embalmer’s workshop.
    • zḥ n. Council of royal advisors or officials.
    • zḥ n. Counsel, advice.
    • zḥ n. Plan, design, counsel.
    • zḥ n. Plot, evil scheme.
    • zʽḥ rom. Alternative transliteration of sꜥḥ.
  • Nupe
    • zh let. The thirtieth letter of the Nupe alphabet, written in the Latin script.
    • Zh let. The thirtieth letter of the Nupe alphabet, written in the Latin script.
— In German —
  • zH Abk. Z. H., z. Hd.
  • zH Abk. Österreich: zu Handen, zu Händen, zuhanden.
  • ZH Abk. Abkürzung für Zentralheizung.
  • ZH Abk. Abkürzung für Zürich.
68 English words from 18 English definitions

administrative advice advisors Albanian alphabet Alternative booth Canopied chamber Chinese code council counsel design dis- electrical electrical␣inductance embalmer equal evil for genus god hall henrys inductance International ISO king language language␣code Latin Latin␣script letter linen made made␣of Manuel matting Metrology Nupe of␣a office Official officials Pine Pinus Plan Plot reed royal scheme script sixth standards structure Symbol tent the thirtieth thirty thirty-sixth transliteration tree unit used workshop written

1 English word from 4 foreign definitions


3 foreign words from 18 English definitions

Codage zeptohenry zettahenry

6 foreign words from 4 foreign definitions

Abkürzung für Händen Österreich Zentralheizung zu␣Händen

189 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

zhe zho ZHR zhu Zhu Zhai Zhan Zhao zhee Zhen zhes zhng zhos zhou Zhou zhug Zhuk Zhuo zhus zhuz Zhaba zha␣bo Zhais zhang Zhang Zhans Zhapu zhees zheng Zheng Zhens zhlub Zhmud zhomo Zhong zhoug Zhuos zhush Zhuxi zhuzh Zhabei zhangs Zhanhe Zhaoji Zhen'an Zhenba zhengs Zhengs Zhidan zhimmi +139 words

396 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

dzho uzhe Azhar dzhos ezhes Ezhou E'zhou Gzhel Lezhë Luzhu Mizhi Rzhev vozhd Wuzhi Xizhi yazhs yuzhe adz␣hoe Azhars azzhoe Bezhta Bozhou Dazhai Dazhou Dezhou Ezhava Fuzhou Huzhou Itzhak Jinzhu Luzhou mazhab Mazhbi muzhik Nizhny Nizhyn Nuzhen Quzhou Rizhao Rouzhi Ruzhou Sanzhi sazhen Shizhu Sizhou Suzhou vozhds Wuzhai Wuzhou Xinzhu +346 words

20 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

ezh uzh Uzh cazh dezh Kizh yazh yuzh caszh Chizh Chyzh nudzh Serzh yoozh youzh zhuzh zhoozh Arindzh Zbarazh Voronezh

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

hz HZ

16 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

CHZ DHZ ezh haz hez Huz HZs NHZ uzh Uzh zhe zho ZHR zhu Zhu ZOH

81 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ah Ah AH A"H BH B"H B&H b***h ch CH ch- ch. DH eh eH EH -eh E.H. gh GH hh Hh HH H&H H/H H.H. IH JH LH /lh mh MH mh+ mh- NH N.H. oh Oh OH ph Ph PH P&H qh Rh RH R/H sh SH S&H sh** th Th TH -th th' Th. uh w/h yh za ZA 'za Zb ZB ZD ze ZE ZF zl. Z"L z.l. zo Zo zo- ZP zs Zs z's Z's Zu

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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