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There are 366 four-letter words containing H and RAhir Ahre AHRQ Ahrs AHRS arch Arch ARCH -arch arch- arch. argh Arth Bahr Bahr. Behr BHRT bohr Bohr brah breh broh bruh Buhr burh char Char cher Cher 'cher chir- chor chur Chur Dhar DHPR dhur Durh ECHR EHRC EHRs erhu ersh Fahr Fahr. Fehr FHIR FHRs FSRH Fuhr Gahr Gehr Ghor GHRH GnRH Gohr GRHE Groh guhr haar Haar hair Hair haor Hara Harb hard Hard hare Hare Hari hark harl Harl harm haro Haro harp Harp harr Harr hars HARs hart Hart HART Haru Harv Harz hbar h-bar h␣bar HDRI hdrs HDRs hear Hebr. heer Hehr heir heor hera Hera herb Herb Herc herd Herd here herl Herl herm Herm hern Hern her'n hero Hero herp Herr hers Hers her's Her's Hert HERV heyr Hira hird Hird hire Hire hirn hirs HKer Hmar HMRC hoar Hoar Höðr Hǫðr hoer hora Hora Hord hori hork horn Horn horo horo- Horr hory hotr hotṛ hour hPRs HRAs HRBP HRCT hreb HREE Hren H.Res. H.␣Res. HRIA hrmm HRMS HRTs HRVs HSer huer Hurd hurl Hurn hurr Hurs hurt Hurt Hvar HWRs hyar hydr- hyer Hyer hygr- Hyre HzRG Ihar Ihor IHRL IRHD IRHP Kahr Kehr Kher khir khor khur km/hr Kohr Kroh Kuhr Lahr lehr Lehr LHRH LHRs Lohr mahr Mehr mHDR MHRB mi/hr mohr Mohr MRHD MRKH NHAR NRHO NRHP OCHR oh␣ar orch -orph- orth- PCHR perh PHAR -phor pMHR QRHs rach Rach Rahe rahn Rahn rahs rahu Rahu Rāhu Raph rash Rash rath Rath Rauh rBGH RCHs RDHs Rech Rehe reh'g rehi ReHi Rehm rehs reph resh Resh RHAe rhbs RHBs RHCP RHDs RHDV rhea Rhea Rhee RHEL Rhem rheo- Rhew rhGH RHIB rhim rhin- RHIP rhiz- rhlA rhob rhos Rhos Rhue rhum Rhum RHUs Rhyl Rhys riah rich Rich Riha Rish rith RLHF RMHD ROAH Roch Roeh rohe Rohe Rohl Rohn Rohs RoHS rohu Roth RPHs rrah RSeH RSHE RSOH RTHK Ruch Rugh Ruhe Ruhl Ruhr rukh rush Rush RUSH ruth Ruth RWHA RWHs ryth Sahr Sher shir Shor SHRA Shri sihr SOHR Suhr syrh tahr tehr thar Thar thir thor Thor thre thre- thro thro' THRs thru thur Thur thyr- Uher Urch urgh VHRs whar whir wh*re whrr WHRs whur Zehr zuhr
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