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The word europa is in the Wiktionary

62 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • Europa prop.n. (Greek mythology) Several characters, most notably a Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus.
  • Europa prop.n. (Astronomy) A moon of Jupiter.
  • Europa prop.n. (Astronomy) 52 Europa, a main belt asteroid; not to be confused with the Jovian moon.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Afrikaans - Asturian - Catalan - Danish - Galician - Ido - Interlingua - Polish
  • Esperanto
  • Farefare
    • Europa prop.n. The continent Europe.
  • Galician
    • Europa prop.n. (Astronomy) Europa (large moon of Jupiter).
    • Europa prop.n. (Astronomy) Europa (asteroid).
    • Europa prop.n. (Greek mythology) Europa (woman seduced by Zeus).
  • Hungarian
    • Európa prop.n. (Greek mythology) Europa, a Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus.
  • Hungarian - Slovak
  • Interlingua - Polish
  • Kashubian
  • Lithuanian - Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk
    • Europa prop.n. Europe (continent).
  • Occitan
    • Euròpa prop.n. Europe (a continent).
  • Polish
    • Europą prop.n. Instrumental singular of Europa.
  • Romanian
    • Europa prop.n. Europa (moon of Jupiter).
  • Romanian - Swedish
    • Europa prop.n. Europa (goddess).
  • Romanian - Tagalog
    • Europa prop.n. Europe (a continent).
  • Romansch
    • Europa prop.n. (Geography) Europe.
    • Europa prop.n. (Astronomy) Europa.
  • Serbo-croatian
    • Europa prop.n. (Croatia) Europe.
    • Europa prop.n. (Croatia) Europa.
  • Sicilian
    • Europa prop.n. (Continent) Europe (the portion of Eurasia west of the Urals, traditionally considered a continent in…
    • Europa prop.n. (Astronomy, natural satellite) Europa.
    • Europa prop.n. (Astronomy, asteroid) 62 Europa.
    • Europa prop.n. (Mythology, Greek mythology) Europa (consort of Zeus, daughter of Agenor).
    • Europa prop.n. (Mythology, Greek mythology) Europa (daughter of Oceanus and Tethys).
  • Swedish
    • Europa prop.n. Europe, the westernmost part of the Eurasian continent, north of Africa and west of Asia.
    • Europa prop.n. Europa, a moon of Jupiter.
— English words, defined in German —
  • Europa S. Mythologie: von Zeus als Bulle nach Kreta entführte Prinzessin und Mutter dreier seiner Söhne.
  • Europa S. Astronomie: bestimmter Mond des Jupiter.
— English words, defined in French —
  • Europa n.prop. (Mythologie) Europe (princesse aimée de Zeus).
  • Europa n.prop. (Astronomie) Europe (satellite de Jupiter).
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • Europa s. (Geografia) Europa, ilha no canal de Moçambique.
  • Europa s. (Astronomia) Europa, uma das luas de Júpiter.
  • Europa s. (Mitologia) Europa, personagem da mitologia grega.
— In German —
  • Europa S. Nach herkömmlicher Auffassung ein Kontinent/ Erdteil, westlicher…
  • Europa S. Vision eines europäischen Staates.
  • Europa S. Mond des Jupiters.
  • Europa S. Legendäre phönizische Königstochter, Geliebte des Zeus.
— In Dutch —
  • Europa eig. (Toponiem), (werelddeel) het Europese continent, dat ten…
  • Europa eig. (Figuurlijk) de Europese Unie (EU).
  • Europa eig. (Astronomie) een van de vier grote manen van de planeet Jupiter.
— In Latin —
  • Europa n.prop. (Myth.) filia Agenoris Regis Phoenicum, quam Iupiter…
  • Europa n.prop. (Geog.) continens, pars occidentalis Eurasiae.
— In French —
  • Europa n.prop.f. (Astronautique) Nom du premier projet européen de…
  • Europa n.prop.f. (Géographie) Nom d’une petite île française inhabitée…
  • Europa n.prop.f. (Philatélie) Nom donné à une collection de timbres…
— In Spanish —
  • Europa s. Geografía. Uno de los cinco continentes, situado en el hemisferio…
  • Europa s. Mitología (griega). Hija de Agénor y Telefasa que fue raptada…
  • Europa s. Astronomía. Satélite de Júpiter, el menor de los galileanos.
  • Europa s. Astronomía. Asteroide número 52 de la serie.
— In Portuguese —
  • Europa s. (Geografia) subcontinente da Eurásia (segundo padrões geofísicos)…
  • Europa s. (Geografia) montanha da Espanha.
  • Europa s. (Geografia) pequena ilha da França localizada no canal de…
  • Europa s. (Astronomia) uma das quatro luas principais de Júpiter.
  • Europa s. (Mitologia) personagem da mitologia grega, filha do rei da…
— In Italian —
  • Europa n.prop. (Geografia) continente che si estende dall’Oceano Atlantico…
  • Europa n.prop. (Mitologia) figura mitologica.
  • Europa n.prop. (Politica) (familiare) l’insieme degli Stati aderenti…
56 English words from 31 English definitions

abducted Africa Agenor and Asia asteroid Astronomy belt characters confused considered consort continent Crete Croatia daughter Eurasia Eurasian Europa Europe European Geography goddess Greek Instrumental Jovian Jupiter large main main␣belt moon most mythology natural north north␣of not notably Oceanus part Phoenician portion princess satellite seduced Several singular Tethys the traditionally Urals west westernmost with woman Zeus

44 English words from 31 foreign definitions

als Bulle canal che collection continent dall das dat des een Europa Europe figura Geog grote het Jupiter Jupiters Mutter Myth Nom Oceano padrões pars petite premier princesse projet quatro que rei satellite seiner serie Stati ten timbres und Uno van vier Vision Zeus

94 foreign words from 31 foreign definitions

aderenti Agénor aimée Asteroide Astronautique Astronomía Astronomie Atlantico Auffassung bestimmter cinco continens continente continentes degli de␣la donné dreier ein eines entführte Erdteil Espanha estende Eurásia europäischen européen Europese Europese␣Unie familiare Figuurlijk filha filia França française fue Geliebte geofísicos Geografía Géographie grega griega hemisferio herkömmlicher Hija île ilha inhabitée insieme Júpiter Königstochter Kontinent Kreta Legendäre localizada los luas manen menor mitologia mitologia␣grega mitologica Moçambique Mond montanha Mythologie nach número occidentalis Oceano␣Atlantico pequena personagem Philatélie phönizische planeet Politica principais Prinzessin projet␣européen quam raptada Satélite segundo situado Söhne Staates subcontinente Toponiem uma une Unie von werelddeel westlicher

11 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Europan Europans europate Europæan Europanto Europasia europates Europæans Europasian Europasians Europa␣regina

72 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

neuropath neuropaths neuropathy neuroparsin neuropathic neuroparsins neuropathics neuropathies neuropathist neuropathway neuroparasite neuropathetic neuropathical neuropathists neuropathogen neuropathways mononeuropathy neuropacemaker neuroparacrine neuroparalyses neuroparalysis neuroparalytic neuroparasites neuroparasitic neuropathogens neuropathology nonneuropathic polineuropathy polyneuropathy angioneuropathy antineuropathic mononeuropathic myeloneuropathy neuropaediatric neuroparenchyma neuropathically neuropathic␣pain neuropathogenic neuropathologic neuropatterning polyneuropathic cranioneuropathy mononeuropathies Navajo␣neuropathy neuroparasitoses neuroparasitosis neuroparenchymal neuropathic␣pains neuropathologies neuropathologist +22 words

One prefix (New word found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)


12 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

EUR eur- eur. Eur. euro Euro Euro- OPA ROP uro Uro uro-

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

apo APO apo- POR rue Rue

3 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Europan opaquer peroqua

7 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

opera Ourea pareo pareu pure␣O raupo Roupe

One cousin (New word found by changing only one letter.)


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