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The word fru is a foreign word

14 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Danish
    • fru n. (Title) Mrs.
  • Icelandic
    • frú n. Madam, lady.
  • Irish
    • fru pron. Alternative form of faru.
  • Norn
  • Norwegian bokmål
    • fru n. Mrs (Used when addressing a married woman followed by her last name - or (Usually on letters, etc.)…
  • Norwegian nynorsk
    • fru n. (Indeclinable) Mrs (Used when addressing a married woman followed by her last name - or (Usually on…
    • fru n. (Rare) alternative form of frue.
  • Plautdietsch
    • Fru n. (Molotschna) woman.
  • Sranan tongo
    • fru prep. Only used in the adverbial phrase wan fru wan (one by one).
  • Swedish
    • fru n. Wife; married woman.
    • fru n. (Archaic) Mrs; title used before a married woman’s surname.
— English word, defined in German —
  • FRU Abk. Field Replaceable Unit, eine Komponente, die „im Felde“ (ohne das Gerät in eine Werkstatt zu bringen)…
— In French —
  • fru adj. (Familier) Abréviation de frustré.
35 English words from 12 English definitions

addressing adverbial adverbial␣phrase alternative Archaic before etc followed followed␣by form her Indeclinable lady last last␣name letters Madam married Molotschna Mrs name one one␣by␣one Only phrase Rare surname the title used Usually wan when Wife woman

5 English words from 2 foreign definitions

das die Field Replaceable Unit

2 foreign words from 12 English definitions

fru frue

10 foreign words from 2 foreign definitions

Abréviation bringen eine Familier Felde frustré Gerät Komponente ohne Werkstatt

443 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

frug frum Frum fruck Frueh Fruge frugs Fruin fruit Fruit FRUIT frump frunk frush Fruth fructo- Fruehs frufru fru-fru frugal Fruges fruits Fruits fruity frumps frumpy frunks Frunze frusht frusta frutex Fruths fructan fructed fructus frufrus fru-frus frugged fruited fruiten fruiter fruitie fruitly fruit␣up frummer frumped frumper frumple frushed frushes +393 words

301 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

befruit frufrus fru-frus tofrush as-if␣rule befruits bifrusta defrutum eggfruit egg␣fruit fogfruit infrugal jakfruit John␣Frum key-fruit nonfruit old␣fruit pipfruit self-rule top␣fruit unfrugal unfruity unfrumpy usufruct bear␣fruit befruited bifrustum bore␣fruit canefruit caskfruit D-fructose doum␣fruit eggfruits egg␣fruits fogfruits forefruit gofruside hand␣fruit jackfruit jack-fruit jack␣fruit jakfruits key-fruits kiwifruit kiwi␣fruit L-fructose mefruside monkfruit monk␣fruit nonfruits +251 words

2 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

frufru fru-fru

One word-in-word RTL (Word found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

fur Fur fur. urf

30 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

curf four frau frug frum Frum fuar Fuhr fure furl furo furr Furr furs Furs fury Fury kufr NURF Rauf rouf ruff Rufo rufo- ruft surf turf uORF Urfa zurf

20 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

fr Fr FR Fr. F&R Fr⁺⁶ fu Fu FU -fu F/U -fu- rf RF R&F Ru. ur Ur UR ur-

51 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bru Bru cru Cru CRU Dru ERU FBU FCU feu FIU flu 'flu FNU fou FPU fra Fra FRA FRB FRC FRD Frf. FRG Fri FRJ FRL Frm. fro 'fro FRP FRs FRS fry Fry FRY GRU hru HRU iru IRU Kru Mru MRU Pru SRU TRU Uru Uru. wru WRU

13 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

fr Fr FR Fr. F&R Fr⁺⁶ fu Fu FU -fu F/U -fu- Ru.

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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