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The word saltired is in the Wiktionary

1 short excerpt of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
2 English words from the English definition

Having saltire

30 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

alt Alt ALT alt- alt. Alt. alti ire IrE IRE Ire. ired red Red RED -red sal Sal SAL -sal sal- -sal- salt Salt SALT saltire Tir TIR tire tired

10 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

der Der Der. Deri Eri. las LAs rit TLA TLAs

3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

dilaters lardiest redtails

27 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

atelurids daintrels darkliest delirates detailers dielytras distearyl drawliest dream␣list elaterids estradiol field␣rats field␣star flat␣rides hardliest heraldist idolastre idolaters lacertids laterised redilates starfield steroidal tailrides tehsildar tileyards trailside

53 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

airsled airtels alestid A-lister Altiers aridest asterid astride atelids Atreids atrides darties dartles derails details de-tails dialers diaster dilater dilates disrate earlids laidest lardies Lasiter latrids Raelist railest realist redials Red␣List redtail restiad retails sadlier salited saltier saltire sideart sideral slatier Stadler staider staired stalder Stalder tailers tardies tirades Tisdale tradies trailed trialed

One cousin (New word found by changing only one letter.)


One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


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