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The word nez is a foreign word

23 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Bourguignon - Middle french - Norman - Walloon
  • Breton
  • Czech
  • Hungarian
    • néz v. (Transitive, intransitive) to look (at something -t/-ot/-at/-et/-öt or -ra/-re).
    • néz v. (Transitive) to watch (something -t/-ot/-at/-et/-öt).
    • néz v. (Intransitive) to overlook (followed by -ra/-re) (to offer a view of something from a higher position).
  • Latvian
    • nez part. (Colloquial) use to add uncertainty or obscurity to statement.
    • nez part. (Colloquial) use in combinations like nez vai, nez no kurienes, nez cik, nez kā and so on.
  • Middle english
    • -nez suff. Alternative form of -nesse.
  • Navajo
    • Nez prop.n. A surname.
  • Norman
    • nez n. (Jersey, geography) headland.
    • nez n. (Jersey, nautical) bow.
  • Yatzachi zapotec - Zoogocho zapotec
— In French —
  • nez n.m. (Anatomie) Partie saillante du visage entre la bouche et…
  • nez n.m. Siège de l’odorat chez les animaux dépourvus de cet appendice.
  • nez n.m. (Par extension) Odorat.
  • nez n.m. (Familier) (Par métonymie) Tout le visage.
  • nez n.m. (Familier) (Par métonymie) Toute la personne.
  • nez n.m. (Par analogie) (Technique) Partie saillante de certains objets.
  • nez n.m. (Par analogie) (En particulier) Éperon, avant, proue d’un…
  • nez n.m. (Par métonymie) (Cosmétologie) Créateur de parfums.
  • nez n.m. (Par métonymie) (Œnologie) Étape dans l’analyse sensorielle…
40 English words from 14 English definitions

add Alternative and and␣so␣on Before bow Colloquial combinations followed followed␣by form from geography headland higher intransitive Jersey like look nautical -nesse Nits Nose obscurity offer overlook position Road something so␣on statement surname Than Transitive uncertainty use use␣to vai view watch

14 English words from 9 foreign definitions

analyse avant bouche chez dans entre Étape extension les objets Par Technique Tout visage

2 foreign words from 14 English definitions

nesse nez

25 foreign words from 9 foreign definitions

analogie Anatomie animaux appendice certains cet Cosmétologie Créateur dépourvus En␣particulier Éperon Familier métonymie odorat Œnologie Par␣extension parfums particulier Partie personne proue saillante sensorielle Siège Toute

9 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Nezib Nezla Nezibs Nezhegol Nezperce Nez␣Perce Nezerbagh Nez␣Perce␣County Nezelof␣syndrome

87 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

knezi donezo knezes Sněžka Banezes Canezes Dane-zaa Dunne-za Funezes jonezin jonezin' Menezes Nanezes Yanezes Duenezes Ebenezer Ibanezes jonezing Knezevic Lainezes Maynezes Tenezaca Voronezh Ybanezes Antunezes donezepil Ebenezers Gimenezes Godinezes Jiminezes Knezevich Knezevics linezolid Marinezes Ordonezes ponezumab synezesis tanezumab Tenezacas Veneziano Venezuela crenezumab Fontanezes menezesite Montanezes no-lone␣zone no␣lone␣zone ordonezite ordoñezite Quinonezes +37 words

38 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Anez Inez knez Ynez Banez Canez Funez Menez Nanez Nunez Venez. Yanez Duenez Ibanez Lainez Maynez Ybanez Antunez Gimenez Godinez Jimenez Jiminez Marinez Ordonez shatnez Ximenez Fontanez Martinez Montanez pince-nez Quinonez shaatnez Vasconez Santa␣Ynez Santibanez Cap␣Blanc-Nez Pedro␣Ximénez Sanchezmartinez

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

zen Zen

4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Enz NZE zen Zen

44 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Anez Anze Benz benz- Ensz entz Entz Enza Enzo Genz Gen-Z gen␣Z Gen␣Z Inez knez Lenz menz Menz naze Netz nize noze nuze NZer Renz Wenz Wezn Ynez Zane zean zein Zend Zeng Zenk Zeno zeno- Zens Zent Zenú Zenz zeon Zhen zine zone

19 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

en En EN -en en- ez EZ Ez. ne NE né nê ne. Ne. -ne- NZ N.Z. ze ZE

72 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bez EEZ fez Fez hez Jez Kez lez Lez MEZ NEA neb NEB Neb. NEC n.e.c. ned Ned NED nee Neee nef neg neg. NEH Neh. NEI nek NEK NEM nen Nen neo Neo NEO neo- nep Nep NEP ner NER -ner- NES net Net NET .NET neu Neu NEU neV Nev NEV Nev. new New new- nex NEX nex' ney Ney NFZ NHZ NNZ Pez rez sez SEZ TEZ Wez

12 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ez EZ Ez. ne NE né nê ne. Ne. -ne- NZ N.Z.

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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