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The word trailer is in the Wiktionary

37 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • trailer n. Someone who or something that trails.
  • trailer n. Part of an object which extends some distance beyond the main body of the object.
  • trailer n. An unpowered wheeled vehicle, not a caravan or camper, that is towed behind another, and used to carry…
  • trailer n. (US) A furnished vehicle towed behind another, and used as a dwelling when stationary; a caravan; a camper.
  • trailer n. (US) A prefabricated home that could be towed to a new destination but is typically permanently left…
  • trailer n. (Chiefly US, media) A preview of a film, video game or TV show.
  • trailer n. A short blank segment of film at the end of a reel, for convenient insertion of the film in a projector.
  • trailer n. (Computing) The final record of a list of data items, often identified by a key field with an otherwise…
  • trailer n. (Networking) The last part of a packet, often containing a check sequence.
  • trailer v. To load on a trailer or to transport by trailer.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Czech
    • trailer n. Trailer (preview of a film, TV show, or video game).
  • Danish - Swedish
    • trailer n. (Automotive) trailer (vehicle towed behind another vehicle).
    • trailer n. (Media) trailer (preview of a film, TV show, or video game).
  • Indonesian
    • trailer n. Semi-trailer.
    • trailer n. (Film) trailer, a preview of a film, video game or TV show.
  • Romanian
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • trailer n. Trailer - aanhangwagen m ; een wagen die gekoppeld wordt achter een aangedreven wagen en zo vooruit getrokken wordt.
— English words, defined in French —
  • trailer n. (Transport) Remorque, semi-remorque.
  • trailer n. (Cinéma) Bande-annonce.
  • trailer n. (Informatique) Postambule.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • trailer s. Trêiler.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • trailer s. Rimorchio.
  • trailer s. Carrello.
  • trailer s. (Stati Uniti) roulotte, caravan.
  • trailer s. (Arte) promo, trailer.
— In German —
  • Trailer S. Aus einigen Passagen der originalen Vorlage zusammengesetzter Clip.
— In Dutch —
  • trailer n. Wagen die aan de achterkant van een auto vast wordt gemaakt.
  • trailer n. Truck met oplegger.
  • trailer n. Woonwagen die aan de achterkant van een personenauto vast wordt gemaakt.
  • trailer n. Voorproefje met stukjes van een in de toekomst uit te brengen…
— In French —
  • trailer n.m. (Transport) (Canada) Remorque.
  • trailer n.m. (Sport) Sportif qui pratique la course de trail.
  • trailer n.m. (Cinéma) Bande-annonce.
— In Spanish —
  • tráiler s. Transporte. Conjunto de vehículos que puede llevar un camión…
  • tráiler s. Transporte. Vehículo formado por una cabina de tracción y un tráiler.
  • tráiler s. Montaje, editado principalmente a partir de trozos seleccionados…
— In Portuguese —
  • trailer s. (Estrangeirismo) ver trêiler.
88 English words from 16 English definitions

and another Automotive behind beyond blank body but camper caravan carry check Chiefly Computing containing convenient could data destination distance dwelling end end␣of extends field film final for furnished game home identified insertion items key last left list load main media Networking new not object of␣a of␣an often or␣something otherwise packet part permanently prefabricated preview projector record reel segment Semi Semi-trailer sequence short show some Someone something stationary that that␣is the towed trailer trails transport TV␣show typically unpowered used used␣to vehicle video video␣game wheeled when which who with

25 English words from 21 foreign definitions

Aus auto Canada caravan Clip Conjunto course der die een met pratique promo que semi Sport Stati trail trailer Transport Truck van vast ver Vorlage

58 foreign words from 21 foreign definitions

aan aanhangwagen achter achterkant annonce a␣partir␣de Arte Bande Bande-annonce brengen cabina camión Carrello Cinéma editado einigen en␣zo Estrangeirismo formado gekoppeld gemaakt Informatique llevar Montaje oplegger originalen partir Passagen personenauto por Postambule principalmente puede qui remorque Rimorchio roulotte seleccionados semi-remorque Sportif Stati␣Uniti stukjes toekomst tráiler Transporte trêiler trozos uit una Uniti Vehículo vehículos Voorproefje vooruit wagen Woonwagen wordt zusammengesetzter

33 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

trailers trailered trailer␣car trailerful trailering trailerist trailerite trailerize trailerable trailer␣cars trailercore trailerfuls trailerists trailerites trailerized trailerizes trailerless trailerlike trailerload trailer␣park trailer␣hitch trailerizing trailerloads trailer␣parks trailer␣trash trailer␣truck trailer␣sailer trailer␣trucks trailer␣hitches trailerization trailer␣sailers trailerizations trailer␣park␣trash

14 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

semitrailers semi-trailers horse␣trailers travel␣trailers cantina␣trailers driving␣trailers tractor-trailers tractor␣trailers utility␣trailers semi-trailer␣truck teardrop␣trailers semi-trailer␣trucks centre-axle␣trailers driving␣van␣trailers

15 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

antitrailer semitrailer semi-trailer horse␣trailer house␣trailer travel␣trailer cantina␣trailer driving␣trailer tractor-trailer tractor␣trailer utility␣trailer teardrop␣trailer truck␣and␣trailer centre-axle␣trailer driving␣van␣trailer

19 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ail ailer ile Ile %ile -ile ile- Iler Ler rai Rai raï rail raile railer tra TRA trail Trail

13 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

art Art ART 'art art. Eli IAR LIA liar rel REL -rel rel.

3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

retiral retrial trialer

20 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

arterial clartier irrelate literary paltrier pretrial pre-trial rattlier relatrix retailer retailor retirals retrials ruralite trailers trialers trialler triareal triedral trilayer

18 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

airtel aliter alrite Altier 'Arriet arteri- artier irater irreal iteral lirate railer rerail retail retial retral tailer Terral

7 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

brailer frailer trailed trainer tratler trawler Traxler

2 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

railer tailer

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