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The word sema is a foreign word

25 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Amis
    • sema^ n. (Anatomy) tongue.
  • Asturian
    • sema v. Third-person singular present indicative of semar.
    • sema v. Second-person singular imperative of semar.
  • Galician
  • Maltese
    • sema n. Sky.
    • sema n. (Religion) heaven.
    • sema' v. To hear.
    • sema' v. To listen (to).
    • sema' v. (With minn) to listen to (someone’s advice or admonition), to heed.
  • Pali
    • sema v. First-person plural present/imperative active of seti (“to sleep”).
  • Pele-ata
  • Polabian
  • Sakizaya
    • sema n. (Anatomy) tongue.
  • Serbo-croatian
    • šema n. Scheme, model, plan, outline, sketch.
  • Swahili
  • Ternate
    • sema v. (Impersonal) to exist.
    • sema v. (Intransitive) to exist.
    • sema v. (Transitive) to have, own.
  • Turkish
  • Venetian
    • sema adj. Feminine singular of semo.
— In French —
  • sema n.m. (Linguistique) Langue tibéto-birmane, du groupe kuki-chin…
  • sema v. Troisième personne du singulier du passé simple de semer.
— In Spanish —
  • sema s. Lingüística. Rasgo semántico que contiene una unidad mínima…
— In Portuguese —
  • sema s. Unidade mínima de significado.
48 English words from 21 English definitions

active admonition advice Anatomy exist Feminine First First␣person First-person␣plural have hear heaven heed imperative Impersonal indicative Intransitive listen model outline own person plan plural present present␣indicative Religion Say Scheme Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular Seed singular sketch Sky sleep someone speak Third Third␣person Third-person␣singular tongue Transitive Week Wife With Woman

6 English words from 4 foreign definitions

chin groupe Langue passé que simple

19 foreign words from 4 foreign definitions

birmane contiene du␣passé Lingüística Linguistique mínima passé␣simple personne Rasgo semántico semer significado singulier tibéto-birmane Troisième Troisième␣personne una unidad Unidade

132 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Semai Semaj Seman Semaan Semang Semans semata Semaans semanto- sematic Semacode semagram semantic semantra Semarang Semacodes semagrams semainier semanteme semantics semantide semantron Semapedia semaphore semaphyll semapimod sematrope sematurid semaxanib semainiers semantemes semantical semantides semantrons semaphored semaphores semaphoric semaphorin semaphylls semasphere sematilide sematology sematropes sematurids semaglutide semantician semanticise semanticism semanticist semanticity +82 words

344 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Iseman baseman basemap Boseman caseman Eiseman hoseman Huseman Isemans Moseman Roseman wiseman Wiseman wise␣man asemasia basemaps Bosemans casemate Eisemans halseman Hanseman Hesseman horseman Horseman houseman Houseman Husemans Morseman Mosemans mousemat mouse␣mat Norseman nurseman posseman proseman Ritsemas Rosemans rosemary Rosemary Tessemas Vauseman verseman Wisemans asemantic casemaker casemated casemates cheeseman Cheeseman exciseman +294 words

10 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

nosema episema Ritsema Tessema Hoeksema Wiersema emphysema chaetosema aeroemphysema pulmonary␣emphysema

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ema EMA sem Sem SEM

8 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

AmE AME Ames AMEs mes MEs MES mes-

17 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

AEMs Ames AMEs ASME eams EMAS MAEs mase meas meas. mesa Mesa MSAE same Same SAME seam

132 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

acmes Adems ADMEs ahems Aimes almes Amees amels amens amese amess Amess Amies Armes Aseem Bames beams bemas cames dames Dames Demas Demsa desma eames Eames ECAMs emacs eMacs Emacs EMALS Emesa emmas fames Fames games Games Gemas haems hames Hames heams James kames Kasem kasme lames lamés leams Lemas +82 words

60 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

AEM aes AES a**es AmE AME AMS 'ams A.M.s ase ASE -ase ASM eam EAM eas EAs EAS ema EMA ems Ems EMs EMS esa Esa ESA E(S/A) Mae MAE mas Mas MAs MAS -mas M.A.s M.A.S. M.␣A.␣S. MEA mes MEs MES mes- MSA MSE SAE sam Sam SAM Sam. S.␣Am. sea Sea SEA sem Sem SEM sma SMA SME

47 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bema FEMA Hema HEMA lema Lema NEMA -nema Pema Sama -sama SDMA seba SECA Seda sega Sega SEGA Seka sela Sela seme semé SEMF semi semi- SEMP sems SEMs Semu semy Sena Sepa SEPA sera Sera SERA seta sexa- sima Sima soma Soma SoMa Suma syma Tema

10 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ema EMA sea Sea SEA sem Sem SEM sma SMA

6 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Selma semba semla sesma Sesma Shema

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