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The word barn is in the Wiktionary

49 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • barn n. (Agriculture) A building, often found on a farm, used for storage or keeping animals such as cattle.
  • barn n. (Nuclear physics) A unit of surface area equal to 10−28 square metres.
  • barn n. (Informal, basketball, ice hockey) An arena.
  • barn n. (Slang) A warm and cozy place, especially a bedroom; a roost.
  • barn v. (Transitive) To lay up in a barn.
  • barn n. (Dialect, parts of Northern England) A child.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Alemannic german
    • Bärn prop.n. Bern (the capital city of Switzerland; capital city of Bern canton).
    • Bärn prop.n. Bern (a canton of Switzerland).
  • Breton
    • barn v. (Transitive) To judge.
  • Danish
    • barn n. Child (immature human).
    • barn n. Child (human offspring).
  • Faroese - Icelandic - Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk - Old danish - Old high german - Old norse - Old saxon - Old swedish
  • Gothic
    • barn rom. Romanization of 𐌱𐌰𐍂𐌽.
  • Middle english
    • barn n. A member of one’s immediate offspring or progeny.
    • barn n. A child, youth, or baby.
    • barn n. A person; a member of humanity.
    • barn n. A younger soldier or fighter.
    • barn n. Alternative form of bern (“barn”).
  • Polish
    • barn n. (Nuclear physics) barn (a unit of surface area equal to 10−28 square metres).
  • Swedish
    • barn n. Child (a young person).
    • barn n. (Someone’s) child, offspring (a son or daughter).
    • barn n. Descendant (e.g. children of Abraham).
    • barn n. A follower (e.g., God’s children).
    • barn n. (Someone’s) creation, invention.
    • barn n. (Uncountable) barn (a unit of area in nuclear physics).
  • Welsh
    • barn n. Opinion, view.
    • barn n. Judgement, sentence.
— English words, defined in German —
  • barn S. Physik: Barn.
  • barn S. Scheune.
  • barn S. Stall.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • barn n. (Bouwkunde) schuur.
  • barn n. (Natuurkunde) barn.
— English words, defined in French —
  • barn n. (Agriculture) Grange, fenil.
  • barn n. Baraque.
  • barn n. (Métrologie) Barn.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • barn s. Granero.
  • barn s. Establo.
  • barn s. Barnio: unidad de área (símbolo b) de la sección eficaz del núcleo atómico, cuyo valor es: b = 10-24
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • barn s. Celeiro.
  • barn s. Construção para abrigar uma frota de veículos.
  • barn s. (Canadá) (coloquialismo e Desporto) ginásio desportivo (especialmente de hóquei).
  • barn s. (Metrologia) barn, unidade de medida de área, muito usada para descrever seções de choque, equivalente…
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • barn s. Granaio m.
— In Dutch —
  • barn n. (Natuurkunde) eenheid van oppervlakte in de atoomfysica…
  • barn w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van barnen.
  • barn w. Gebiedende wijs van barnen.
  • barn w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van barnen.
— In French —
  • barn n.m. (Métrologie) (Physique) Unité servant à mesurer une section…
— In Portuguese —
  • barn s. (Estrangeirismo e Metrologia) unidade de medida de área…
89 English words from 27 English definitions

Abraham Agriculture Alternative and animals area arena baby barn basketball bedroom Bern building canton capital capital␣city cattle child children city cozy creation daughter Descendant Dialect England equal especially farm fighter follower for form found found␣on God hockey human humanity ice ice␣hockey immature immediate Informal invention judge Judgement keeping lay lay␣up member metres Northern nuclear nuclear␣physics offspring often one Opinion parts person physics place progeny Romanization roost sentence Slang soldier Someone son square square␣metres storage such such␣as surface surface␣area Switzerland the Transitive Uncountable unit used view warm young younger youth

12 English words from 22 foreign definitions

Agriculture barn choque del Grange para Physique section servant Stall valor van

62 foreign words from 22 foreign definitions

abrigar área atómico atoomfysica Baraque barnen Bij Bouwkunde Canadá Celeiro Construção cuyo de␣la descrever desportivo Desporto eenheid Eerste Eerste␣persoon eficaz enkelvoud equivalente especialmente Establo Estrangeirismo fenil frota Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs ginásio Granaio Granero hóquei inversie medida mesurer Metrologia Métrologie muito Natuurkunde núcleo oppervlakte persoon Physik Scheune schuur sección seções símbolo tegenwoordige␣tijd tijd tweede tweede␣persoon uma une unidad unidade unidade␣de␣medida Unité usada veículos wijs

189 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Barno barns barny Barnas Barndt barned Barner Barnes barnet Barnet barney Barney barnie Barnos Barnum Barnaby Barnard barnase Barnaul barn␣cat Barndts barn␣egg Barners barnets Barnets Barnett barneys barnful Barnham Barnick barnier barnies barning bar␣none barn␣owl Barnabas barnacle Barnards barnases Barnases barn␣cats barndoor barn␣door barn␣eggs Barnetby Barnette barneyed barn␣find barnfuls Barnhart +139 words

68 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

embarns imbarns carbarns car␣barns embarned haybarns imbarned attobarns embarning imbarning kilobarns megabarns nanobarns New␣Barnet picobarns playbarns show␣barns stepbarns debarnacle Dutch␣barns East␣Barnet femtobarns High␣Barnet housebarns house-barns house␣barns Malabar␣nut microbarns millibarns Rainbarngo tithebarns tithe␣barns zeptobarns debarnacled debarnacles long␣Barnaby Malabar␣nuts Ugglebarnby unbarnacled debarnacling rock␣barnacle Saint-Barnabé Yindjibarndi acorn␣barnacle bishy␣barnabee giant␣barnacle goose␣barnacle rock␣barnacles whale␣barnacle acorn␣barnacles +18 words

36 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Albarn embarn imbarn carbarn car␣barn haybarn attobarn kilobarn Long␣Barn megabarn nanobarn picobarn playbarn show␣barn stepbarn Dutch␣barn femtobarn housebarn house-barn house␣barn microbarn millibarn tithebarn tithe␣barn zeptobarn big␣as␣a␣barn born␣in␣a␣barn milking␣barn smell␣the␣barn Besses␣o'␣th'␣Barn pony␣in␣the␣barn raised␣in␣a␣barn ponies␣in␣the␣barn smelling␣the␣barn Pennsylvania␣barn around␣Robin␣Hood's␣barn

6 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Arn bar Bar BAR bar- Bar.

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

bran Bran N-bar NRAB

63 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Abner aborn abrin Abron aburn Anbar Arnab Arneb bairn bankr. Bankr. Baran baren Baren Barin Barno barns barny baron Baron Béarn benar Beran bonar Bonar Borna brain Brain brand Brand brane brang brank Brann brans Brans brant Brant Braun brawn Brawn brian Brian Bryan buran Buran Naber Nabor Narby NBAer +13 words

37 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ABN ABR abr. arb ARB Arb. Arn ban Ban BAN bar Bar BAR bar- Bar. BNA bra brn BRN nab NAB -nab nab- -nab- Nar NBA NBR NRA NRB Rab ran Ran RAN RBA RNA RnB R'n'B

59 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Baan bacn bain Bain Bann baon bara barb Barb Barb. -barb- bard Bard BARD bare Bare Baré barf bari Bari Barí bark barm Baro baro- barr Barr bars BARs BARS Bart BART bary- Baun bawn Bern born burn Burn Byrn carn Carn darn earn Earn EARN garn karn Karn larn sarn Sarn tarn Tarn Varn warn Warn yarn Zarn

11 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Arn ban Ban BAN bar Bar BAR bar- Bar. brn BRN

8 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

bairn Baran baren Baren Barin baron Baron Béarn

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