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The word lf is in the Wiktionary

22 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • lf n. Singular of lvs; abbreviation of leaf.
  • LF n. Initialism of left foot.
  • LF n. (Computing) Initialism of line feed.
  • LF n. (Electronics, telecommunications) Initialism of low frequency.
  • LF n. (Baseball) Initialism of left field, Initialism of left fielder.
  • LF n. (Architecture, engineering, construction) Initialism of linear feet.
  • LF n. (Linguistics) Initialism of logical form.
  • LF n. (Optics, imaging, photography) Abbreviation of light field.
  • LF adj. Initialism of low fat.
  • LF v. Initialism of looking for.
  • LF phr. (Slang, vulgar) Initialism of like fuck.
— International convention —
  • LF sym. (International standards) Indeterminately reserved ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for Fezzan.
  • sym. (Computing) Used as a visual representation of the control character “line feed”.
  • L.f. prop.n. A botanical plant name author abbreviation for botanist Carl Linnaeus the Younger (1741–1783).
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Chuanqiandian cluster miao
    • lf num. (Dananshan Miao) two.
  • Etruscan
    • 𐌋𐌅 prop.n. Abbreviation of 𐌋𐌖𐌂𐌉 (Luci).
    • 𐌋𐌅 prop.n. Abbreviation of 𐌋𐌖𐌅𐌂𐌉𐌀 (Luvcia).
— English word, defined in French —
  • LF n. (Informatique) Saut de ligne.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • LF acro. Bassa frequenza.
— In Dutch —
  • LF n. (Initiaalwoord), (afkorting) Low Frequency.
— In French —
  • LF n.f. (Droit parlementaire) (Finances publiques) (Sigle) Loi de finances.
— In Italian —
  • LF acro. (Fisica) Low Frequency, bassa frequenza.
71 English words from 17 English definitions

abbreviation alpha Architecture author Baseball botanical botanist Carl character code Computing construction control control␣character country country␣code Electronics engineering fat feed feet Fezzan field fielder foot for form frequency fuck imaging Indeterminately Initialism International ISO leaf left left␣field left␣fielder light light␣field like like␣fuck line linear linear␣feet line␣feed Linguistics Linnaeus logical looking looking␣for low Luci lvs Miao name Optics photography plant representation reserved Singular Slang standards telecommunications the two Used visual vulgar Younger

7 English words from 5 foreign definitions

bassa Droit finances Frequency Loi Low publiques

13 foreign words from 5 foreign definitions

afkorting de␣ligne Finances␣publiques Fisica frequenza Informatique Initiaalwoord ligne Loi␣de␣finances parlementaire Saut Saut␣de␣ligne Sigle

24 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)


5715 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

alfa Alfa Alfy elfe elfs KLFA olfs PLFs ULFs alfas Alfas alfet Alfie alfil alfin alfiz Bolfs calfs delfs delft Delft DILFs elfed elfen elfes elfin GILFs golfs golfy gulfs gulfy halfa halfe halfs Helfs Helft Jolfa Julfa kulfi Melfi milfs MILFs Nolfs pelfs qulfi Rolfe rolfs Rolfs selfe selfs +5665 words

584 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Alf ALF 'alf elf ELF olf PLF ULF VLF Belf Bolf calf CRLF delf DELF DILF FILF GILF golf gulf Gulf half half- Helf milf MILF MNLF Nolf pelf rolf Rolf Salf self Self -self self- silf sulf- TPLF Wilf WILF wolf Wolf Zolf Adolf Chelf dwelf Egolf frolf girlf +534 words

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

fl Fl FL fl. Fl. F/L

81 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

AFL Alf ALF 'alf CFL DFL EFL elf ELF fal Fal FAL FDL FFL fil FIL Fil- Fla FLA Fla. FLC fld FLD fld. FLE FLG FLK FLN Flo flo' FLQ FLR FLs FLS FLT flt. flu 'flu fly Fly fml FML FOL fol. FRL FTL -ful lbf LBF LDF +31 words

143 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

af AF bf BF BF% B.F. cf CF cf. c.f. df DF d.f. d.␣f. ef EF ff FF ff. gf GF hf HF if IF KF la La LA lä Lα La- La. L.A. L.␣A. lb Lb LB lb. Lb. L.B. L.␣B. lc LC l/c L/C l.c. LD Ld. le Le LE -le lg LG lg. LH /lh li Li -li- LJ L.J. ll LL 'll ll. LM ln LN ln. l.n. lo Lo LO 'lo lp LP LQ LR ls Ls LS l's L's L&S L.S. lt Lt LT Lt. lu Lu LU Lú Lù Lü lv Lv LV (+43 words)

11 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)


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