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The word cad is in the Wiktionary

48 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • cad n. A low-bred, presuming person; a mean, vulgar fellow, especially one that cannot be trusted with a lady.
  • cad n. (Archaic) A person who stands at the door of an omnibus to open and shut it, and to receive fares; a bus conductor.
  • cad n. (UK, obsolete, slang) An idle hanger-on about innyards.
  • CAD n. (Computing, engineering) Initialism of computer-aided design.
  • CAD n. (Computing) Initialism of computer-aided drafting.
  • CAD n. (Computing) Initialism of control alt delete.
  • CAD n. (Import/export) Initialism of cash against documents: an arrangement where the purchaser must pay the…
  • CAD n. (Medicine) Initialism of coronary artery disease.
  • CAD n. (Medicine) Initialism of computer-aided diagnosis.
  • CAD n. (Medicine) Initialism of cold agglutinin disease.
  • CAD n. (Public safety) Initialism of computer-aided dispatch.
  • cad. n. (Art) Abbreviation of cadmium.
— International convention —
  • cad sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Caddo.
  • CAD sym. (International standards) ISO 4217 currency code for the Canadian dollar.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Aromanian
  • Czech
    • čaď v. Second-person singular imperative of čadit.
  • Czech - Serbo-croatian - Slovak - Slovene
  • Dinka
    • Cad prop.n. Chad (North African state).
  • Irish
    • cad pron. (Interrogative) what.
    • cad pron. (Munster) (interrogative) where.
  • Japanese
    • CAD n. CAD (computer-aided design).
  • Lhao vo
    • cad' v. To tear; to rend.
    • cad' v. To break apart.
  • Lushootseed
    • čad adv. Where; somewhere.
  • Romanian
    • cad v. Inflection of cădea…
  • Serbo-croatian
    • čađ n. Soot.
    • -čad suff. Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually a collective noun.
  • Somali
  • Turkish - Turkmen
    • Çad prop.n. Chad (a country in Central Africa).
  • Welsh
    • cad n. Battle, army.
    • cad v. Impersonal preterite of cael.
— English words, defined in German —
  • cad S. Prolet, Flegel, Lümmel, Schurke, gemeiner Kerl.
  • CAD Abk. Computer Aided Design, deutsch: computerunterstützte Verfahren zur Konstruktion von Zeichnungen.
  • CAD Abk. Altorientalistik: The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, korrekt: The Oriental Institute, Chicago (Herausgeber)…
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • cad n. Schoft.
  • cad n. Cadillac.
— English word, defined in French —
  • CAD n. (Informatique) CAO, conception assistée par ordinateur.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • CAD sig. (Informática⚠) sigla de Computer-Aided Design (desenho assistido por computador).
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • CAD acro. (Architettura) (informatica) progettazione aiutata dal computer.
— In German —
  • CAD Abk. Computer Aided Design, deutsch: computerunterstützte Verfahren…
  • CAD Abk. Altorientalistik: Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, korrekt…
— In French —
  • càd conj. (Langage SMS) Variante orthographique de c.-à-d. (« c’est-à-dire…
  • çad n.m. Variante orthographique de ṣād.
  • c-à-d conj. Variante orthographique de c.-à-d. (« c’est-à-dire »).
  • c.a.d. conj. Variante orthographique de c.-à-d. (« c’est-à-dire »).
  • c.-à-d. conj. C’est-à-dire.
— In Italian —
  • CAD acro. (Architettura) (informatica) (tecnologia) (ingegneria)…
  • CAD acro. Computer Aided Drafting.
134 English words from 31 English definitions

Abbreviation about adit Africa African against agglutinin aided alt amp and apart appended Archaic army arrangement Art artery at␣the␣door at␣the␣door␣of Battle break bred bus bus␣conductor CAD Caddo cadmium Canadian Canadian␣dollar cannot cash Central Central␣Africa Chad code cold cold␣agglutinin␣disease collective collective␣noun computer computer-aided␣design Computing conductor control coronary coronary␣artery coronary␣artery␣disease country create currency currency␣code delete design diagnosis disease dispatch documents dollar door drafting engineering especially export fall fares fellow feminine for hanger hanger␣on idle imperative Impersonal Import Inflection Initialism innyards International interrogative ISO lady language language␣code low low-bred mean Medicine Munster must North North␣African noun obsolete of␣an omnibus on␣about one open open␣and␣shut pay person presuming preterite Public purchaser receive rend safety Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular shut shut␣it singular slang somewhere Soot standards stands state Suffix tear that the trusted usually vulgar what where White who with words

21 English words from 17 foreign definitions

Aided Assyrian Cadillac CAO Chicago computer conception dal Design Dictionary dire Drafting est Flegel Institute Kerl Oriental par sigla SMS The

1 foreign word from 31 English definitions


33 foreign words from 17 foreign definitions

aiutata Altorientalistik Architettura assistée c.-à-d. c’est-à-dire computador desenho deutsch gemeiner Herausgeber informatica Informatique ingegneria Konstruktion korrekt Langage Langage␣SMS Lümmel ordinateur orthographique por progettazione Prolet ṣād Schoft Schurke tecnologia Variante Verfahren von Zeichnungen zur

298 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Cada cade Cade -cade cadi CADM cadr CADR cads cady Cady CADAM Cadas Caddo caddr caddy Caddy caded cadel Caden cader cades cadet Cadet cadew cadge cadgy cadie cadis Cadix Cadiz Cádiz Cadle CADMs cadre CADRe cadrs Cadys CADCAM CAD/CAM Cadden Cadder caddid caddie caddis Caddos caddow caddrs cadels Cadena +248 words

805 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

acada Acads. ecads NCADD SCADA scads acadas Acadia alcade arcade Arcado- arcady Arcady cicada cicads CICADs cycads decade cadi decads facade façade McAdam McAdie McAdoo nicads NiCads Picado SCADAs academe Academe academy Academy Acadian alcades arcaded arcader arcades arcadey arcadia Arcadia Arcadic avacado avocadi avocado barcade brocade carcade cascade Cascade +755 words

21 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

acad acad. Acad. ecad MCAD scad Accad cicad CICAD cycad decad nicad NiCad holcad PESCAD dodecad duodecad hendecad quindecad heptadecad tessaradecad

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

DAc DAC DAc. D.Ac.

8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


90 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

AACD AADC ABCD acad acad. Acad. ACDA AC/DC ACDs aced acid ACID ACMD ACOD ADCC ADCs adic -adic ADSC ADS-C ADUC AFDC APCD BDAC Cada cade Cade -cade cadi CADM cadr CADR cads cady Cady CAGD caid CALD cand card Card CDAD CD-DA CDMA cdna cDNA CEDA chad Chad clad +40 words

44 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ac Ac AC ℀ -ac a-c a/c ac- ac. A/C a.c. A.C. ad Ad AD 'ad -ad ad- ad. A.D. A.␣D. ca CA c@ &ca ca. &ca. C.A. cD CD C&D C.D. da Da DA d@ D.A. D.␣A. dc Dc DC d/c D&C D.C.

130 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aad AAD bad CAA cab Cab CAB CAC CAE caf CAF cag CAG cah CAH Cai CAIi Cai. cak cal Cal cal. Cal. cam Cam CAM can Can CAN Can. Cao CAO cap Cap CAP car Car CAR cas Cas CAs CAS cas' Cas. cat Cat CAT Cau Cav. caw CAW CAX cay Caz CAZ CBD C.B.D. C.␣B.␣D. CCD cc'd CED CFD CGD ChD CHD CID CJD CKD cld CLD Cld. cmd CMD CND cod COD C.O.D. CPD cpd. CQD CRD CSD CTD cud CUD CVD CWD Cyd dad Dad DAD EAD 'ead fad FAD gad Gad GAD had (+30 words)

20 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ad Ad AD 'ad -ad ad- ad. A.D. A.␣D. ca CA c@ &ca ca. &ca. C.A. cD CD C&D C.D.

13 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

CAGD caid CALD cand card Card CDAD chad Chad clad Coad CPAD CVAD

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